Volite selfije? Budite u trendu i napravite melfie!

Selfie nikad neće potpuno izaći iz mode, jer svatko je barem jednom “opalio” fotku samog sebe, s vremena na vrijeme pojavljuju se novi trendovi kad je riječ o fotografiranju za društvene mreže.
Posljednji u nizu jest melfie, a riječ je o nošenju svog lika na odjeći.
Naravno, među začetnicima ovog trenda morala je biti jedna od članica klana Kardashian. Kylie Jenner već je objavila nekoliko fotografija na kojima nosi majicu sa svojim likom, piše Index.
Rihanna was spotted heading to 1 Oak Nightclub in NYC in the early hours of Thursday morning. After dining at Carbone, Rihanna headed back to change into a comfier outfit for the club. She put on the Ultimate Throwback Thursday, a T-shirt with her Grade School Portrait on the front. The singer looks almost identical to the photo , even 20 years later . She carried a multi colored fur , and wore a red dress under the t-shirt as she made her way to the club with a few pals .
Pictured: Rihanna
Ref: SPL1369136 061016
Picture by: 247PAPS.TV / Splash News
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